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Why I Celebrate Earth Day
By: Brittany Smith, Naturalist/ Program Coordinator
Celebrating Earth Day as a young child has influenced my life in so many ways. I spent every possible moment exploring nature. I grew up fishing, hiking, camping, and learned that I wanted to be a voice for nature. A voice for the plants and animals that are being lost. I went to school for Ecology and after finishing college I served two terms with Conservation Corps Minnesota and Iowa.
During my service, I conducted habitat restoration in the bluff lands of
southeast Minnesota; right in my own backyard. I was working to
restore and protect habitat for so many species that were losing their
home. Reducing the amount of non-native invasive species, restoring
fire to habitats that needed it, and really understanding how humans
are impacting the earth.
Throughout my careers in natural resources I have learned so much and have a deep found appreciation and respect for the earth and all it
has to offer. I somehow landed the absolute perfect job when I came to River Bend Nature Center. Along with my passion for restoring and protecting Minnesota’s natural resources, I get to educate others. I am in a position to educate and help shape future environmentalists that will be the voice for nature for generations to come. Earth Day may only be once a year, but for me it is 365 days a year!
My name is Brittany and I am one of River Bend Nature Center’s naturalists. It is because of people like you, who support River Bend through memberships and donations, that River Bend is able to operate; providing environmental education programs and instilling a love of nature.
Happy Earth Day!
Why do you celebrate?
“Unless someone like you cares a whole awful lot, nothing is going to get better. It’s not.” Dr. Seuss.