River Bend Nature Center provides your scouts with opportunities to connect with nature vital to their learning and development with badge programs led by professional naturalist staff and volunteers. Students will see science come alive and experience the benefits of outdoor learning through hands-on activities to observe and understand the natural world around us.
All classes are 1.5 hours long. Most are year-round, seasonal programs April-November indicated by (*). Email education@rbnc.org to book your class.
Girl Scout Badges
Brownie Badges
*Bugs - Experience a bug's life at River Bend. Have a story time as we learn about bugs, then go outside to observe them up close. Count how many types of bugs you can find and see where they live. Then make a bug craft to take home.
EcoFriend - Adventure outside at River Bend Nature Center and become nature's best friend. Learn about and practice the Leave No Trace rule, safely make a campfire, visit animal homes, and more! Finally, leave River Bend a nice place for animals by picking up trash along the trail.
Outdoor Adventurer - Become a fearless outdoor adventurer as we play and explore nature at River Bend! We will hike down to the Straight River and explore the shoreline, play some water games, learn how to tie knots for camping, and male recycled bird feeders.
Hiker - Come earn your hiking badge at River Bend Nature Center! Learn about River Bend's trails, how to read a map, what to pack, and what you might find on your hike. Then hit the trails with a naturalist to play some trail games and learn about plants and animals you see.
*Outdoor Art Creator - Use nature as your inspiration as we create art! Create a nature journal with pictures, colors, or written descriptions of what you find. Create leaf rubbings, drawings, and play nature games outside.
Junior Badges
*Geocacher - Learn all about Geocaching and how this sport is used world-wide! With instruction of a naturalist, learn how to use a GPS, make an item to trade, and go on geocaching adventure! Girl Scouts will explore River Bend Nature Center's 743 acres of land on and off the trails. Long sleeves, long pants, and close-toed shoes are recommended.
*Flowers - Join the River Bend Naturalists on a spring flower hike. Learn about the parts of a flower, their importance to the plants, and how flowers are used by humans. Go on a flower hike, make a flower journal, and learn about a super special flower that only grows in this small area of the world!
Animal Habitats - Learn all about wild animals and their homes as you explore River Bend. Investigate animal homes and make one on your own. Learn how scientists classify animals and why some animals are endangered. See and learn about a Minnesota native endangered habitat.
Outdoor Art Explorer - Head out on an inspirational hike to find art in nature. Make a nature imprint to take home, create a human-made "rainstorm", test out nature photography, and draw plans for your own birdhouse.
Cadette Badges
*Archery - Come shoot some archery at River Bend! Learn all about the parts of a bow and arrow, range commands, then take to the range for some practice. Finally, play some archery games in a friendly competition.
Trees - Come explore the wonderful world of trees at River Bend! Explore the forest at River Bend and identify the trees in the forest by making a booklet of tree rubbings to take home. Learn about tree parts, how they grow, and who uses them. See the steps of the oldest tradition in the area, maple syruping. Finally, learn about some issues facing our forests today and what you can do to help protect them.
EcoTrekker - Talk with a Naturalist and learn about the important Leave No Trace Principals. See first hand how recreational hiking and biking can negatively impact the environment. Help remove an invasive species from the area, and make art from trash.
Senior & Ambassador Badges
EcoExplorer - Learn about biodiversity of River Bend Nature Center, and see different species of plants and animals. Find out which ones are invasive and harmful to the biodiversity of River Bend. Then put what you have learned into action by helping to remove an invasive species. (Invasive species removal can only be done May-November).
*Water - Explore the waterway River Bend Nature Center is named after! Hike down to the Straight River and explore the creatures and rocks along the shoreline. Listen to the sound of the water and have water craft time by the river. Then get your geek on by conducting water quality tests and learning what they mean for the river. Finally, become an engineer as you devise a way to help clean polluted water.
Cub Scout Badges
Tiger Badges
My Tiger Jungle
- Go for a hike and pick out two or more sights or sounds of "nature" around you. Discuss with a partner or den
- Take a 1-foot hike and make a list of living things you find on your hike
- Point out two different kinds of birds that live in your area
- Preparation for planting a plant, shrub or tree
- Preparation for building a bird house
Tigers in the Wild
- Learn about the Cub Scout Six Essential items needed for a hike
- Prepare for and go on a nature hike
- Discuss the Outdoor Code and Leave No Trace principles
- Find three different kinds of plants, animals, or signs of animals on the trail
- Find two different trees and two different types of plants
- Find out about the animals that live on River Bend grounds
- Participate in a pack meeting or pack campout campfire
Sky is the Limit
- Go outside to observe the night sky
- Look at a distant object through a telescope or binoculars
- Observe in the sky or select from a book or chart two constellations
- Create and name your own constellation
- Create a homemade constellation
- Find out about two different jobs related to astronomy
- Find out about two astronauts who were Scouts when they were younger
Wolf Badges
Call of the Wild
- Preparation for requirement 1 (attend a campout) and requirement 7 (present a skit at campfire)
- Learn to tie an overhand knot and a square knot
- Identify four different types of animals at River Bend
- Learn about possible weather changes
- Show or demonstrate what to do:
- When a stranger approaches you, your family, or your belongings
- In case of a natural disaster such as an earthquake or flood
- To keep from spreading your germs
- Recite the Outdoor Code and discuss the Leave No Trace principle
Paws On The Path
- Prepare the Cub Scout Six Essentials
- Explain and use the buddy system
- Describe what you should do if you get separated from your group while hiking
- Choose the appropriate clothing to wear on your hike based on the expected weather
- Read the Outdoor Code, discuss Leave No Trace principles, show respect for wildlife
- Go on a 1-mile hike with your den or family
- Name two birds, two insects, and two other animals on River Bend grounds
- Draw a map of an area using common map symbols
Finding Your Way
- Draw a map to show somewhere special to you on a map
- Learn how to use a compass rose
- Pick a nutritious snack and find out where it came from. Show this area on a map
- Go on a scavenger hunt using a compass, and locate an object with a compass
- Using a map and compass, go on a hike
Bear Badge
Fur, Feather and Ferns
- Hike for one mile and spot animal signs
- Learn about extinct animals
- Describe what you learned at River Bend about wildlife with your pack or family
- Observe wildlife from a distance. Describe what you saw
- Use a magnifying glass to examine plants more closely
- Learn about composting and how vegetable waste can be turned into fertilizer for plants
Webelos Badges
Webelos Walkabout
- Create a hike plan
- Assemble a hiking first-aid kit
- Describe and identify poisonous plants and dangerous animals and insects
- Learn about planning nutritious lunches for hikes
- Recite the Outdoor Code and the Leave No Trace Principles for kids from memory
- Preparation for requirement 6 (a 3-mile hike)
- Preparation for requirement 7 (service project)
- Lead one aspect of the hike
Into the Woods
- Identify two different groups of trees and the parts of a tree
- Identify six trees commonly found at River Bend
- Identify six plants commonly found at River Bend
- Learn about native trees and River Bend
- Prepare for requirement 5 (plant a tree)
- Think about what wood products are important in your life
- Explain how the growth rings of a tree trunk tell its life story
Into the Wild
- Learn to be a birdwatcher
- Learn about the bird flyways closest to your home. Find out which birds use these flyways
- Watch at least four wild creatures in the wild
- Identify an insect, reptile, bird, or other wild animal that is found only in your area of the country
- Learn about food chains and how we can help them
- Visit a River Bend aquatic ecosystem
- Share your experiences