We have a new facebook page. Like or Follow our page to keep up to date with our events.
Near full moon evenings in January and February
- Over 1 mile of packed trails illuminated
- Hot chocolate provided
- Rent snowshoes, bring your own or go without
- A night out for the whole family!
April 22nd or the closest weekend
- Invasive species removal and trash clean up
- Wildflower hikes and composting programs
- Fun and engaging for the whole family
First Saturday of May
- 1 Mile, 5K, 10K, 25K & 50K
- Pancake Brunch
- Real maple syrup from River Bend trees
- Fun for the whole family!
3rd Thursday of July @ 6:00 pm
- Release of previous years operations report
- Election of board members
- A night of social gathering for members of River Bend Nature Center
August 10, 2024
- An evening of recognition and gratitude for our greatest supporters
- Social hour with drinks & games, dinner, and fund-a-need ask
- Helping to build River Bend's Community
Fourth Saturday of September
- Restoration of habitat for protected species
- Bringing together stewards of the land
- Nation's largest volunteer day
Last Saturday of October
- Bonfire and s'mores, hot cider and popcorn
- Games and giveaways
- Horse wagon rides, face painting and more!
- Fun for the whole family!
Special dates in the fall
- Archery hunt only, no firearms
- Helps manage River Bend's deer population
- Members of River Bend can register for lottery
- Fat Tire Bike Race
- Beginner, Intermediate and Advanced
- Winds through woodland, prairie and river