By: Molly Olson, Naturalist/Program Coordinator

One of the first things I realized when I started working at River Bend Nature Center about two years ago was the number of volunteers at River Bend and their dedication to the nature center and the environment.

I remember one of my first days working at RBNC, a Volunteer Naturalist came in and upon meeting me gave me a giant hug. She was so welcoming and it was that moment that I knew I had found a special place to work.

With thousands of students and people of all ages visiting the nature center, we are grateful to the many volunteer naturalists and interns who are part of the teaching and program delivery team. Volunteer naturalists and interns are key to our ability to expand programs and reach more people!

We couldn’t do what we do without program support volunteers. They serve as greeters in the interpretive center, answer questions from visitors and on the phone, assemble letters and communications, and provide the people power to make our fundraising and friendraising events happen.

When there is the perfect snowfall, volunteers work tirelessly to groom the ski trails.

When things break, we know we have volunteers that will try to fix them.

When the grass is long, volunteers cut it. When there is trail maintenance needed or invasive species that need to be removed, volunteers come and help with that work too.

These are just some of the ways volunteers make River Bend a special place to visit and work!

We are so grateful for all of the work you do to sustain River Bend.

We hope to see your smiling faces soon!

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