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Orwin Rustad
By: Katy Anderegg, Naturalist/Program Coordinator
Throwback Thursday! Over forty-two years ago, a man had a vision of building a nature center in Faribault, Minnesota. That man was Orwin Rustad. His love of nature and conservation was seen throughout his whole life as he studied various topics ranging from Botany (Plants), Zoology (Animals), and Ecology to Genetics. This extended to his love of teaching and educating others about the outdoors. He was a field biologist at Shattuck/St. Mary’s for 20 years before inspiring others to help start a nature center where people could see up close the wonders of our natural world.
The initial spot of his dream was located on the grounds of Shattuck/St. Mary’s. Other locations were considered, among them, the surplus land where the Faribault Regional Center was located, which eventually was turned into the nature center we know and love today. September 21, 1980 was the official dedication of River Bend Nature Center, but the creation, land acquisition, and planning had already been going on for six years. River Bend began with 530 acres, one shelter building (now known as trailside building), 5 miles of trails, an outside programming area and campfire pit which ushered in hundreds of school children and adults alike. Today, there are 10 miles of trails and 743 acres of land containing two buildings, an amphitheater and campfire area, honor point, a waterfall and the famous turtle pond.
Orwin led many programs that brought in thousands of people by the mid 80’s. People from all over came to hear him talk about nature. In addition to conducting programs, Orwin spent his time making observations of birds, mammals, plants, and seasonal changes; documenting them for over 30 years. His collection of notes were turned into a book called “A Journal of Natural Events in Southeastern Minnesota”, published in 1997.
River Bend Nature Center would not exist today if it wasn’t for a man’s dream, the dedication of many people over the years or its current supporters: volunteers, members, donors, and sponsors. Orwin’s vision of teaching people of all ages started from the beginning and continues today. Keep his dream alive! Get out and not only enjoy nature, but observe nature.